Parents: Keep your children and relatives healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak: postpone in-person visits with grandparents and any other family & friends. Find creative ways for you and your children to connect with them- a phone call, video chat, or handwritten letters.
Limit time with older adults and people with serious underlying medical conditions
Older adults and people who have serious underlying medical conditions are at highest risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
・If others in your home are at particularly high risk for severe illness from COVID-19, consider extra precautions to separate your child from those people.
・If you are unable to stay home with your child while school is out, carefully consider who might be best positioned to provide child care. If someone at higher risk for COVID-19 will be providing care (older adult, such as a grandparent or someone with a chronic medical condition), limit your children’s contact with other people.
・Consider postponing visits or trip to see older family members and grandparents. Connect virtually or by writing letters and sending via mail.
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